Allen Metropolitan C.M.E. Church
10946 S. Lowe Ave.
Chicago, IL 60628


Pastor David Bryant

Rev. Bryant is the son of Delores and the late David Bryant, Sr.  He has one brother, Jerome. He is also the proud father of two children:  David Bryant, III and Annika Meling, both are graduates of Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee.  Rev. Bryant has been pastoring since 1987 and Allen Chapel C.M.E.Church, in Gary, Indiana, was his first church appointment. 


In July of 1998, Bishop Dotcy I. Isom, Jr. recognized Rev. Bryant’s leadership capacity (beyond the pastorship) and appointed him Presiding Elder of the Kansas Missouri Conference of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, overseeing C.M.E. Churches in the states of Colorado, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, and Iowa.  In July of 2002, Bishop Paul A.G. Stewart, Sr. also affirmed Rev. Bryant as a connectional leader and appointed him Presiding Elder of the Missouri District, again overseeing C.M.E. churches in the states of Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa.  Bishop Stewart concurrently appointed Rev. Bryant as Pastor of the Jamison Memorial Temple C.M.E. Church in Kansas City, Missouri, where he duly served as pastor and elder. 


Established as a seasoned leader, Bishop Stewart relocated Rev. Bryant to Chicago, Illinois, assigning him Pastor of the Walls Memorial C.M.E. Church on the westside of Chicago, in August of 2006.  Under Pastor Bryant’s leadership, Hope Haven Christian Academy was initiated in partnership with the state of Illinois and the Chicago Public Schools (CPS).  By August 2009, Bishop Stewart once again appointed Rev. Bryant Pastor of the Allen Metropolitan C.M.E. Church located on the southside of Chicago, where he remains as chief Servant and Shepherd.


On December 17, 2010, Rev. Bryant earned the Doctor of Ministry Degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.  Thereafter, he sought the Lord for renewed vision and insight in shepherding His people.  Allen Metropolitan C.M.E. Church, now known as “A Land that Flows with Milk and Honey,” is experiencing tremendous growth both spiritually and numerically under Dr. Bryant’s extraordinary leadership.  The Church is presently engaged in multiple partnerships with the City of Chicago, Cook County, and State of Illinois to address issues regarding food insecurity, quality education, utility assistance, housing, and incarceration.


The Feeding the Multitude Ministry is in partnership with The Greater Chicago Food Depository providing over thirty thousand (30,000) hot meals to group homes, senior buildings, the elderly and shut-in since October of 2018. The Safe Haven/Center for Academic and Cultural Enrichment (CACE) after-school program is in partnership with CPS, providing tutorial support to students and families; assisting them in successfully navigating the urban academic pipeline.  Allen’s Casting the Net Ministry, better known as, the Low Income Housing and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is in partnership with the Community Economic Development Association (CEDA); providing utility assistance with gas, light, and water to residents in Cook County and the State of Illinois. The Releasing the Captives Ministry is in partnership with The Cook County Department of Corrections (CCDOC); providing a monthly worship service for local inmates and advocates equitable policy and legislation within the carceral system.  


Allen’s Urban Summer Camp, in partnership with the State of Illinois, is designed to provide a safe space for high-risk children living in Chicago’s inner-city during the summer months; a season typically characterized by violence. The Roseland Neighborhood Community Organization (RNCO) works closely with The New Roseland Community Hospital administrators, serving as a liaison between the hospital and the community.  This partnership has proven to be invaluable, particularly during the COVID -19 pandemic.  Allen Metropolitan has been engaged in the mission of improving the quality of life in the Greater Roseland Community for over forty-eight (48) years, and through the dynamic and dedicated leadership of Rev. Dr. David Bryant, Jr., Allen has extended its ministerial reach; becoming a key catalyst for community change, empowerment and improvement.


On July 17, 2017, Rev. Bryant and twenty (20) members of the Allen Metropolitan C.M.E. Church journeyed to the Holy Land, “Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus.”  The pilgrimage provided spiritual renewal and restoration.  Rev. Bryant currently serves as a Spiritual Director for Global Catholic Tours, providing leadership for annual pilgrimages to the Holy Land.

Rev. Bryant has been in pastoral ministry for over thirty-three (33) years.  He possesses a holistic, fresh, and innovative approach to ministry; integrating vision and creativity to address the problems that plague urban America. He is compassionate about the needs of the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, and the oppressed. Pastor Bryant is committed to the restoration of communities and works collaboratively to champion healing, justice, and equity for all people. 

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